Monday, January 14, 2008

True Revival

I am really into the concept that we are in a battle with Good and Evil on a daily basis. It's not really a concept, it is a reality, that we are bombarded daily with satans firey arrows. So right now my theme for my mornings and daily thoughts run to "Battlefield praying." In the previous post I spoke of letting the Holy Spirit ride through and 'cut' out every and all strongholds that we may be harboring within our daily lives. Battlefield praying is not only limited to this type of praying we must extend this type of praying into all aspects of our daily lives. Here is another area where we can use Battlefield praying : For True Revival ; we can schedule a series of meetings called "Revival", but True Revival must be a sovereign work from God. You can't schedule that in advance, only God can accomplish that, in His timing and in His way. True Revival always starts through prayer. Not just your typical everyday, 'church praying' , but by truly calling out to God in intercession, calling out to Him with a true hunger for His Spirit to be poured out on us. Yeah, you know what I'm gonna say next---more Battlefield Praying. This is just another way to use it. Or in other words 'To bathe the Church in Prayer."But for me "Battlefield Praying" sounds more aggressive and we will have to be standing with the full armor on during these times of prayer. There must be so much prayer, that it becomes a force you can feel every time you walk into the sanctuary. True Revival will come suddenly, when God moves in the Bible , He does it suddenly. We pray, wait, water the seed,and it looks as if nothing is happening. Then suddenly, there's Revival. God won't warn us, He will just move into Revival.
We mustn't try to figure out when God will bring us Revival, We must be prepared for it. How?
Pray,Pray,Pray,Pray and Pray some more! Cry out to God and when the time is right, He will move. It is at the Altar that God will accomplish this. It is essential! That is the place where God will do His work upon our hearts. We must be ready for what God wants and desires to do.
God Bless and Stand always Ready! {Joshua 1:9}

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