Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Too Busy to Pray?

2 Chronicles 7:14

From the look of things , were all extremely busy guys.(and gals) You may have a demanding schedule and you have neglected to pay sufficient attention to a particular part of your life, the Spiritual part. If so, today is the day to change, and one way to make that change is to simply spend a little more time talking to God.
Sometimes instead of turning our thoughts and prayers to him, we may rely on our on resources Instead of asking God for guidance, we rely upon our own limited wisdom. A far better course of action is this: simply stop what your'e doing long enough to open your heart up to God : then listen carefully for His directions.
In all things great and small , seek God's wisdom and His grace. He hears your prayers, and He will answer. All you must do is ask.
Prayer strengthens your relationship with God.
PaulP Mark 11:24

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