There is a war taking place, and it's command post is the Kingdom of God. Eveywhere the Kingdom advances, there is always an ongoing battle against satan and his dark side. If you have accepted Christ as your King then you are a citizen of His Kingdom, and as you know that kingdom is at war. There is a battle raging, and it is a battle for the lost souls of this world. This is where battlefield praying can be very affective. Jesus calls us to live differently than the world. Christ insist, that to be His followers, we must live our lives not defined by worldly materials. We can't live our lives defined by the flesh and blood of this life. Peoples lives are changed by the unseen world, the world of battlefield prayer.
I met with a couple of brothers who are warriors in this battle a few days ago. One of these brothers actually drew the plan out on a piece of paper.As he was drawing I was thinking this brother is actually drawing out a battle plan, a strategy that can be used against a dark kingdom. If we are to succeed on the front lines of this battle, we have to lay bare our hearts, open ourselves up and let the Holy Spirit ride through us with His scythe cutting out all and every stronghold that is there no matter what it is. And then putting on the full armor of God daily. (Eph.6:11) And then and only then can we fight a productive battle against satan and all of his temptations. We must unify ourselves into this thought of battlefield praying. God has equipped us to overcome satans power. The apostle Paul said that "the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (of a fleshly or earthly nature), but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds."(2Cor.10:4)
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