Monday, February 25, 2008

Sharing your Faith

Joshua 1:9 has actually been a verse that I have adopted as my motto as a believer--"Be bold and courageous don't be afraid, or dismayed, The Lord our God is with you wherever you go".

Our personal testimonies are extremely important, but sometimes, because of shyness or insecurities, were afraid to share our experiences. And that's unfortunate.
In his second letter in Timothy, Paul shares a message to believers of every generation when he writes,"God has not given us a spirit of timidity" (1:7). Paul's meaning is clear: When sharing our beliefs, we, as Christians, must be courageous, forthright, and unashamed.
We live in a world that desperately needs the healing message of Christ Jesus. Every believer, each in his or her own way, bears responsibility for sharing the good news of our Savior.
Billy Graham once observed and said, "Our faith grows by expression. If we want to keep our faith, we must share it." If you are a follower of Christ, the time to express your belief in Him is now. You know He has touched your heart; help Him do the same for others.

To stand in an uncaring world and say. "See here is the Christ" is a daring act of courage.
Luke 12:8

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