Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Honesty Works, Dishonesty Doesn't

Unless your honest with yourself, your friends, and your God, you're headed for trouble , and fast.

It has been said on many occasions and in many ways that honesty is the best policy. For believers, it is far more important to note that honesty is God's policy. And if we are to be servants worthy of our savior, Jesus Christ, we must be honest and forthright in our communications with others.

Living a life of integrity means being honest with other people and with ourselves. Sometimes, honesty is difficult;sometimes, honesty is painful;always, honesty is God's commandment...

In the Book of Exodus, God did not command."Thou shalt not bear false witness when it's convenient." And He didn't say,"Thou shalt not bear false witness most of the time." God said,"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor".Period.

Sometime soon you will be tempted to deceive someone(or perhaps you'll be tempted to deceive yourself). Resist the temptation. Truth is God's way... and it must also be yours. Period.

"Therefore laying aside falsehood,speak truth, each one of you, with his neighbor, for we are members of one another".
Ephesians 4:25

You can direct your thoughts.. Make sure you keep them headed in the right direction.

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