Monday, June 8, 2009

Giving An account of Ourselves

For most of us, it is a daunting thought; One day, perhaps soon, we'll come face to face with our Heavenly father, and we'll be called to account for our actions here on earth. our personal histories will certainly not be surprising to God; He already knows everything about us. But the full scope of our activities may be surprising to us: some of us will be pleasantly surprised; others will not be.
Today, do whatever you can to ensure that your thoughts and your deeds are pleasing to your Creator. Because we will , at some point in the future, be called to account for our actions. And the future may be sooner than you think...

"Yes, each of us will have to give a personal account to God."
Romans 14:12 NLT

Success or failure can be pretty well predicted by the degree to which the heart is fully in it.


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