Wednesday, March 4, 2009

%Integrity once again%

Proverbs 10:9 says
"He who walks in integrity walks securely,but he who perverts his ways will be found out."

If you walk in honesty----if you are willing to look at the values, attitudes, thoughts and beliefs that are producing your behavior--you will be secure...
In this world, we don't have the power to get an accurate picture of ourselves. We can only do it as we are aided by the Holy Spirit, the Word of God and the community of believers.

As I read this verse I have to think that every aspect of our day must be given to God with open hands and heart, and to just let the Holy Spirit permeate every moment of our day. Sure were human , But God still reigns--over this earth -, He is still on His throne and we can let Him reign through us within our own Integrity..through our daily walk here on earth.

Let Him be in your life.

1 comment:

Perry Crisp said...

Amen. Good word. Love you bro.