Wednesday, March 12, 2008

White as Snow

We had our crosses silhoutted with snow last week here on our hill.
But years ago on a hill outside of Jerusalem stood three crosses silhoutted against a dark afternoon sky.

Hanging between two criminals was our Savior, both guilty as sin, one a believer, one unbeliever. One says "we are guilty He is not", the other scoffs "save us and yourself". One ask for mercy and received it. The other died in his sins.

The moment I snapped this picture - with all the snow at the cross, the only thing I could think of was "How fitting this picture was in correlation of what Christ did on that cross; He shed all of his blood so we could be made pure , as pure as the driven snow". If we will but only repent and accept Him as our Savior and Redeemer. We are just as guilty of sin as were those two that hung on each side of Jesus, and He is still in the business of forgiving if we will only seek Him and ask for forgiveness.


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