Saturday, December 1, 2018

Live free of Temptation

One of the greatest obstacles to enjoying the uncaged life is our ongoing struggle with temptation. No matter how spiritually mature or devoted we are to following Jesus, as human beings, we will always face temptations. Understanding and appropriating God’s promises, however, can empower us in this battle. We can accept his grace and live in his power to find freedom. 
We’re all baffled at our own behavior at times. Maybe you need to control your temper, stop tearing into people, or blowing up. But then that person starts driving you crazy again, pushing your buttons. You know that guy or girl is no good for you. You know you should get to church on the weekend. You know what you should do, but you are constantly tempted to cave. Paul bottom-lines it for us: “I have discovered this principle of life—that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong” (Romans 7:21). The struggle with temptation is baked right into life. Wanting what’s right but doing what’s not right. But Paul gives us the ultimate solution to our sin problem: “Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 7:25).
Our freedom has been won on the cross, but we still struggle to live in that freedom. It’s a battle to grow into the person you really are in Christ. But you don’t resist temptation to hang onto your salvation. You resist it to grow, thrive, and receive all of the good things God wants to give you. That’s why I’m grateful for this promise of God: I will help you stand in temptation. 
God is aware of the temptations you face. I don’t believe he leads you to sin, but he does allow temptation and testing. In fact, the term temptation can also be translated “trial.” God sees to it that no temptation will be too much for you to bear. He always shows you a way out. Resisting temptation is not like flipping a switch. You’re caught in a spiritual battle! You have a spiritual adversary who wants to hold you down in destructive habits and make you lose sight of God’s promises. And you don’t have to look for the fight—the fight will find you. You will find yourself facing difficulties you don’t understand. Yet, difficulty teaches humility, which empowers your future victory. Don’t let the testing become a ground to give into temptation. Stand firm on the promise that he will show you a way out and that victory is possible.
Live free in the promise: I will stand with you in temptation. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

God with us

 At some point, each of us meets the limits of being human.  It may not be through an anxiety disorder. Maybe it’s the stifling experience  of a job where your best skills are never used.  Or past choices who’s consequences still choke and bind.  Or addictions you feel powerless to control.  We all suffer the inescapable reality of sin and it’s fall out in this broken world.  And we can relate to the Psalmist when he described the chords of the grave coiling around him. (Ps 18:5)
       The simple image of Jesus, gods gift to us, being wrapped up in Cloths comforts me with the powerful truth :  he understands the bindings on my mind and so has only someone who has shared experiences can. The concept of Immanuel, God with us, takes on a new and profound clarity.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Wandering Off

"If you went for a walk in the woods, but then decided to wander off the path, and found yourself surrounded by a thicket of thorns and poison ivy, who would you blame? Would you blame the person who built the path? No, of course not. Instead, you'd blame yourself if you were honest, because you alone were responsible for wandering from the path.
In a far deeper way, this is what happens when we decide to leave God out of our lives. For a time, it may seem like wandering away from Him doesn't make any difference; it may even seem easier and freer. But eventually, it catches up with us—just as wandering off that path and into the thicket caught up with you," 

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Losing our Way

 It doesn't take much to lose our way.   Perhaps your life feels a drift ;  turned topsy-turvy in the churning, competing undercurrents , my wants, money, church, work, faith, sex, prayer, power, selfishness, just a swirling mess.
                                     In all that noise how do we get back on course?
 Before you begin – know this – you're not alone.
 The men and women of the Bible were also helpless and mixed with emotions. Lots of times, they were deep in the weeds doing their own thing. So if that's you, you're in good company. But remember – those same men and women also got things back on track, and  developed such a rock hard faith that they would stay strong in the face of persecution, would single handedly fight giants, could fearlessly face down armies and perform impossible miracles.
 This is where we are meant to be living every minute of the day. If you're feeling a long,long way from that  kind of actualized, trusting faith, find your way back.

Psalm 73:26 "my flesh and my heart fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

Romans 3:23 " for all have send and fall short of the glory of God."

1Peter 5:8  " be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Brutal Honesty

There is no one else around. It is just you and the air you breathe. Sometimes  the hardest conversation to have is the one you have with yourself.  Brutal honesty begins when we look in the mirror and speak the truth about what we see.  It requires that you tell the truth about yourself to yourself.  Being honest with yourself about what you really deserve. That kind of honesty is difficult.
 The hardest person in the world to be honest with is the person in the mirror.  No one wants to say those things. No one wants to look in the mirror and admit – I have made some miserable choices.
But  avoiding brutal honesty will short-circuit lasting change. When there is recognition without repentance, desire for change is not there.  We must deal with ourselves truthfully, the awakening must lead to honesty, conviction must lead to confession.
      There is a big difference between apology and a confession : an apology is an expression of regret
(I am sorry).  A confession is an admission of fault: ( I am sorry because I did wrong. I sinned.)
 Nothing in all creation is hidden from god site. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
It's good to spend some time looking in the mirror and speaking the honest truth.
There is something  powerful about going into a quiet room, shutting the door, looking in the mirror, and speaking truth to yourself about yourself.