Monday, February 11, 2019

Cut Sin’s Power

“O Lord,”I prayed, “ have mercy on me. Heal me,for I have sinned against you.” Psalm 41:4

    Even though you’re a Christian “born again” we have to realize every sin we commit can be redeemed and healed. What a powerful gift repentance can be. 
  Whether it be a damaged reputation, an addiction that compromises your integrity, or for some reason you just wanted to look good to others than actually telling the truth and in turn let the blame fall on someone else. 
    The life-changing reality is that there is no difference between the power to save and the power to resolve sin. The work of Jesus isn’t just for the forgiveness of every sin, but for healing from every sin. Jesus can release you from the power of the sin that has an immense hold on your life.
    Repenting with entire, exclusive trust in the gift of God‘s grace to cleanse you.
If you have walked off of the well worn path of pleasing God 
(by self-effort), start walking down the road of trusting God. 
  In confession we open our lives to the healing, reconciling, restoring, uplifting grace of Him who loves us in spite of what we are. 


Monday, January 28, 2019

Mopping Up

 I once heard of a mental hospital that had devised an unusual test to determine when patients were ready to go back into the world. They brought the candidates for release into a room where a tap was turned on, sending water pouring out over the floor. Next they handed the patient a mop and told him to mop up the  water. If the patient had a firm enough grasp of reality to turn off the tap before mopping up the water, he was ready to go out into society. But if he started mopping up the water without turning off the tap, they knew that more treatment was needed.
 You and I would never miss such an obvious step as shutting off the tap before mopping the floor. But the fact is that many Christians live their lives in a way that is, from a spiritual point of view, equally absurd.
 Each of us as believers has been given the mop of God‘s truth. We’ve  been told to use it to help mop up the evil in the world around us. But we can only be useful if we first have enough sense to shut off the flow of evil that pours into our own hearts from the outer arena of battle that the Bible calls the “world” and from the inner arena it calls the “flesh”.

 “Live according to your new life in the Holy Spirit.  Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves.”   Galatians 5:16